Chapter - {{chapterDetail.chapter}} {{|uppercase}} {{today|date : "dd/MMM/yyyy"}}
Chapters 1 - 60 Overall Test {{today|date : "dd/MMM/yyyy"}}

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{{$index+1}}. {{quiz.question}}


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Sorry!! You must get at least 12 marks to generate the certificate.
Please take retest for certificate.


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Cyber Safe Girl

For certification, you will have to pay a one time fee of Rs. 499/- All proceeds will go for maintenance of this portal and conducting #cyberSafeIndia workshops in government schools and colleges across india. To proceed, click on Pay button below.

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This promo code is eligible for {{promocodeDisc}}% of discount
Actual Price : 499 Rs, After applying Promo Code : {{499 - (499 *promocodeDisc/100)|number:2}} Rs

I am Cyber Safe eLearning Certification

1. Visit
2. You get 2 options- Download eBook and Get Certification
3. First, click on Download eBook. You can download the latest #CyberSafeGirl in English, Kannada or Gujarati.
4. Go through the book- infotoons, various sections, bonus tips, glossary etc.
5. Click on get certification and login using your gmail.
6. You need to create a new account. The gmail account you use to login will be registered and you are expected to login with the same account credentials in the future.
7. Do not close the pop up window.
8. Upon successful login, you get the dashboard of the eLearning program.
9. There are 60 modules.
10. Each module comprises an introduction, video lecture by Dr. Ananth Prabhu G, animation of the infotoon, additional videos, ppt and a module test.
11. To go to the next module, you have to clear the current module test.
12. Upon successfully completing all the 60 modules, you can give the grand test.
13. If you have a pre-paid voucher, you may enter the voucher code and take the test. Otherwise, you will have to pay Rs 499/- to take the certification. If you have a coupon code, do enter and avail the discounted price.
14. The grand test comprises questions from all the 60 modules.
15. You can take 2 attempts to clear the test. After which, you will have to re register.
16. Upon successful completion, you get "I Am Cyber Safe" certification, with your name and grade. You will not be able to make any changes in the name after completing the certification.
17. The test comprises 60 questions and you will have to score 30 to pass. No Negative Markings.
     30-40 Grade E
     41-45 Grade D
     46-50 Grade C
     51-55 Grade B
     56-60 Grade A
The duration of the test is 60 minutes.
18. The certificates have a validity period and they are stored in blockchain, which prevents them from being tampered/faked.
19. You can visit and enter the certificate number in the Verify Certificate section and check the authenticity.
20. The outcome of the program is to help the internet users inculcate the best practices of cyber security, responsible browsing with your digital lifestyle and better understand the perils of the digital world.
21. For any clarifications, email to [email protected]

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